Friday, November 11, 2011


I often try to be upbeat and positive in my posts. In fact, I intentionally kept this space upbeat and positive so that I can come back and relive the happiness at a later time (strange, right?). Even when I'm feeling down and sad, I try to be hopeful in this blog.

Yet, today's post is not meant to be happy. I will try to be hopeful, but it's not easy. What is causing me to be in such an unhappy mood? Why, the Penn State sexual scandal, of course. I am so disgusted at what has been coming out in the media and I cannot believe that certain men in power at that college have been protecting a child predator, who has been sexually abusing disadvantaged youths that he was supposed to be helping, for the last fifteen-plus years. I am so angry, so appalled, so outraged, so disgusted, and at the same time so sad. I'm so sad for the victims and the plight that they had to endure. I'm so sad that the victims weren't protected. I'm so sad that they weren't believed. I'm so sad that they lost their youth and their innocence. I'm just so sad for them. I really don't know what else to say. Maybe we should send a prayer to our own Gods and ask for help to be sent to all abused children in the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know how all those guys at Penn State hide the sexual scandal for so long. Those guys should all be punish for protecting this child predator --IMO. I send my prayer tonight. Jack