Monday, September 19, 2011

Hello Friend

A lovely friend (whom I dearly love and hold close to my heart) reminded me that I have not posted anything lately on this blog. I told him that I would do it right away; therefore, I write this specific post for him.

Friend, I want to let you know that I will always love you and I wish that things were different. Maybe our paths will cross again and then maybe it might not. If it doesn't, I want to let you know that I'm sorry for all the pain I have caused you and all the heartache that I've brought into your life. Please know and understand that I have always loved you, and you have always been in my heart and on my mind, even when I've ventured down the wrong path. I did not intend to be careless with your heart. I don't know what the future holds for us and if there even will be an "us," but I truly want you to find happiness and love. Please don't let my mistakes keep you from being fearless with your heart. Please also forgive me. I love you always.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MFT, sometime we don't mean to hurt the person we love the most but it just happen that way in life it seems. If I have to do it again, of course I don't what it to happen the way it did. However if it didn't happen the way it did then I would have never learn from my mistake. Sometime mistake can cost everything. If we are able to forgive our enemies, then how come we can't forgive the one we love? I think their is a bigger picture that your friend is not telling you. I think forgiveness, is the way to go...if your friend can not forgive you for what you have done then your friend does not love you for who you really are. One or two mistake does should not end your friendship --IMO. Everyone makes mistake, we must learn to forgive and love each other. I know once your friend has forgiven you, both of your darkness will turn into light. Imagine what you guys can accomplish after this hurtle in life. Love Me Love Not