Monday, May 24, 2010

The Three Hs: Hot, Hot and Humid

Today was HOT, HOT, and HUMID. The benefits of an early spring may be an early summer. Today is indicative that we may be may on the cusp of a sweltering summer. And I mean, S-s-s weltering. Today's high was about 93 degrees Fahrenheit, although I could swear that it was hotter. My walk from my work place to the court house left me sweating buckets (at 8:30 a.m.). My gosh, I am not looking forward to summer if it's going to be this hot.

Enough about sweating buckets, I also wanted to share pictures of things growing in my garden. Not only are my poppies blooming, but so are my strawberries. I even had a bite of an almost ripe strawberry and it was delicious. It probably would've been even more delicious had I waited an extra day to pick it, but I couldn't help it. It was still delicious and oh so yummy.

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