Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sauces: Old an New

About a week or two ago I made a batch of homemade caramel sauce and chocolate fudge sauce, in which I gave away one jar of caramel and one jar of chocolate sauce. Both sauces are yummy, especially over ice cream. My mate LOVES caramel, so not surprisingly, I only have a little bit of the caramel sauce left. Since I had some heavy cream, I made some more caramel sauce this morning.

I want to make a couple more batches of both sauces to give away as holiday presents, or just for the sake of giving it away, but for those who don't live in my state, I'm trying to figure out how I can send it by mail or travel with jars of sauces. I really want to share my homemade sauces with those I love because the homemade stuff is WAY BETTER than the store bought stuff.

I also wanted to write about a jar of sweet sorghum I purchased when I was in Kentucky. You can read more about sweet sorghum at this website, I don't want to characterize sweet sorghum as something particularily "southern," but I'll admit that it's something one doesn't find easily in my neck of the woods. It has a mild molasses flavor and can be spread "as is" on biscuits, breads, etc., and can even be substituted in place of sugar, molasses, and honey. I find the taste a bit interesting and I'll admit that for me, it's an acquired taste. At this point, I'm looking into recipes to use my jar of sweet sorghum. If I cook up something, I'll definately post it.

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