Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Foliage and Snow?

Earlier this week I took pictures of the wonderful fall foliage ocurring in my city. Compared to previous autumns, this fall has been very cool and I think it contributes to the leaves' colors. In my memory, previous autumns have been quite warm and the foliage weren't as colorful. So it's been wonderful to see the vibrant reds, bright oranges, and lovely yellows all around me.

However, today it was rainy and cold. So cold, that the rain turned into little snowflakes. I'm hoping for the best and hope that this is not a sign of an early, early winter (I believe the last Minnesota blizzard that ocurred in October was on Halloween in 1991). Other than not wanting my autumn to be cut short, I haven't prepared my garden for winter. I was hoping to put it off for a bit longer, but if this weather continues, I'll have to winterize my garden sooner than I want to.

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