Sunday, July 6, 2008


My lilies are blooming. They're blooming in my garden and in my house. I don't know why I've never noticed lilies before or given these flowers any attention until I moved to Minnesota. I mean, like every other person, my earliest memories of a "favorite" flower is the rose. Not surprising, roses are supposed to be the queen of all flowers, but I think a good argument can be made that lilies could easily overthrow the rose to be queen.

Since living in Minnesota, I've been introduced to lilies and I can't get enough of the flowers. There are so many varieties and the fragrance of many are intoxicating (e.g. smell a Madonna lily and you'll be in love with it). I have several different types growing in my garden and there are several that I've started from seed (which I can't wait for it to mature). This is my first year, since planting my lilies (luckily for me, my home came with some common--but still very beautiful--orange lilies), and I'm excited for their growth next year.

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