Friday, August 31, 2007

Cheese Curds

Since coming to the Midwest, I've discovered cheese curds. Every year at the State Fair, I'd get a little basket of greasy, cheesy, salty, hot and gooey deep fried cheese. At first, the thought of eating battered deep fried cheese was a bit revolting, but I admit that I was wrong and I'm a convert. Cheese curds might just be a Midwest treat and I don't think they sell them on the West Coast (i.e. California), but it's the perfect food to get at the fair. I've bought them "out of season" (outside of the State Fair), but it just didn't taste that great. Anyhow, if you ever get the chance to go to the Minnesota State Fair, pick up a basket of cheese curds (you might become a die hard fan).


Anonymous said...

Okay - this garden looks the same as it was when I was there, only now, it has more weeds. Good luck to that dry soil. -ML kia

Anonymous said...

I don't know if i'm at the right page..or what i'm doing is correct..but yeah..i'm actually here..yeah..i only see ML kia only huh..well, i don't know what to say..but..i just come by..hahaha...i have to go home now as you can'll come by another time when i'm not busy....teng..

Anonymous said...

is your dumb cherry tree actually growing in mn or what??..well, let me know ok..and i want some when it grows..if it does grows..hopefully no one comes to your yard and starts stealing know how ghetto it is up there as it is here..hahaha..teng..