Thursday, March 9, 2023

Life is for Living

When my mother-in-law passed away a little over a year ago, it brought a lot of sadness. One of the lessons I took away from her death was that life was for living this one special life that you have right now. Live it fully as best as you can and do what it is that you think you want to do. Yes, there are constraints (e.g. maybe someone doesn't want to be with you and can't be with you, you might be too old to be an astronaut via NASA, etc.,), but there is also so much life to live. 

Go visit Yosemite before it's too polluted. Go see Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro just because you can. Go see the northern lights in Iceland. Go and share a kiss in Paris. Of course, if you can't or don't want to go anywhere, then catch up on your own family and friends. Hear the laughter of children that are special to you. Share a meal with your special person. Enjoy the presence of those that are most close to you. 

You see, my mother-in-law, she had a lot of physical ills and didn't want to go to any place unless forced. I don't blame her for not wanting to go out, although she did choose who she would go out with, if and when she wanted to go out. She wanted to stay home exclusively. If you wanted to see her, you had to go to her. She was also wanting to die because she couldn't take the pain of her physical ailments. So, when she passed and at her funeral, it was time for her to go, she didn't want to leave. She had to forcefully be told to move on in her journey. 

Now, this part is all conjecture, regardless I think at that moment at her funeral, she may have realized too late that she wouldn't be able to be with her loved ones on Earth. She may still spiritually be present for her family and friends, but most wouldn't know. It doesn't make the loss of her physical presence any better; there is still a veil that separates.

I'm sharing this lesson because life is too short. We get so caught up with our lives and forget that the life we are living is a gift. It's the experiences that we take with us that matters and make those experiences count. Take a moment and cherish the precious time you have on this Earth.