Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Tuesday's Tune: Red


Taylor Swift remade this song not too long ago. I support her and her reasons for why she redid this song and her albums. At the same time, I think the best version of this song is the original song, released back in 2012. You can hear the pain, the love, the angst, and all the emotions in the original.

So, why am I sharing this song? Because it's one of my favorites to listen to. The song reminds me of a relationship that I was in. It didn't last long enough, but the relationship was RED to me. It was hot, fiery (good and bad), and it was passionate. There was so much love there. The relationship really did feel like driving in a fast sports car, exciting and wonderful but ending too soon. (Of course, it was all my fault.) And when he took his red hot sun away from my world, my world became blue like I'd never known before. It took longer than I thought for me to move on from him because he was so hard to forget and even if I had any regrets about the relationship, it was only momentarily and I knew I could never regret him. Even now, memories of him still creep into my life at unexpected times.

My friend May Shoua once asked me if I had any regrets about not being with him and I told her that he and I ended up with the people we needed to be with. Looking back, he is a special person and it was a special moment in my life. I only have love for him and I wish him lots of happiness. As for myself, I am happy with my boys and my Mr. Man. Who knows what life has in store for us, but I'm delighted that we both are with people that make us happy.

Let me know what you think of this song.