Sunday, January 2, 2022

Evolution 2022

My guiding word for 2022 is Evolution. It's time . . . 

Last year, I chose the word, Listen. I think I listened enough to myself, my conscience, my children, my husband, to others,  and to my doubts. This year, I move forward from where I was and have been for the last several years. I've had enough time to reflect and wish and plan. It's finally time that I go forth and finally walk the walk. It's time to evolve and move forward. No more waiting. No more being afraid. 

So, I look forward to what 2022 will bring and I look forward to what I achieve this year. I look to finally move beyond the place where I've been (although, I have lots of gratitude and love for that time period), and to evolve into what I can be and what I'm supposed to be. 

How are you? Do you have a guiding word for 2022? What was your 2021 like? Are you ready to move forward, too?