Wednesday, September 16, 2020

First Frost

There's an advisory that we're getting our first frost tonight, with the temperatures going below 50 degrees F.  (Such an early frost is so unusual, but then again, we did have a very early spring.) As much as I didn't want to, I took out many of my tomatoes and whatever pepper plants I had. Usually, by this time, the garden's a mess and I've given up on it. Yet, this is the first time that I didn't want summer to end and I really didn't want my gardening exploits to stop. Gardening has been good for my soul, especially with Covid-19. But, all good things must come to an end.

In addition to a handful of semi-ripe tomatoes, I picked the rest of my jalapeno peppers. I also pulled out all of my tobasco pepper plants. They had lots and lots of yellow peppers on it, so I'll try and see what I can do with those yellow peppers. I really wish the peppers would've turned at least orange, but it is what it is. Maybe next year, I'll plant the peppers earlier (I'm hoping to start them from seed).

It's time to think about fall, clearing out the garden, and continue dreaming about spring. I hope all is good in your neck of the woods (considering all of the forest fires occurring on the West Coast). Stay safe.