Monday, December 23, 2019

The Little Things

I don't innately forget, but it is good to be reminded that the important things in life are all about the little things. For me, it's trying to be present with my children, appreciating all that I have, and finding contentment in the moments that are easily dismissed and forgotten.
Noticing the snow falling on the last of the roses.

I have a dear friend with ALS. She's been bed-ridden for the last two years, if not longer, in a facility. I try to go see her once a month. I saw her yesterday and I'm reminded again that it's the little things in life that I need to be grateful for. She's surrounded by caring people and lots of good vibes. I love her and only wish the best for her, especially considering her condition. At the same time, I came home feeling so blessed and loved.

Seeing this beautiful winter sunrise.

I am grateful to feel the sun on my skin, the breeze in my hair, the touch from my children and husband's kisses and hugs, having the ability to be mobile, having independence, and so much more. I'm really happy with my life and what I have. I'm truly blessed and loved. And I'm glad that I can appreciate it.

Watching my children enjoy newly fallen snow.

So for today, I just wanted to pass along the message that you slow down, be present, and appreciate all the little things in your life. I hope you have a great day.

What little things and moments are you grateful for?

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Potty Training: Update of my Oldest

I'd written an update back in January of this year regarding the potty training of my oldest. I'm glad to finally report that as of the last two weeks, I can say that he's 90% potty trained. He doesn't know how to wipe his behind (his little short arms barely reach his bottom), but he knows how to run to the toilet when he has to pee or poop. I'm so glad I didn't give up on him.

I had almost given up on him and his potty training. I'm telling you, this kid didn't mind if he soiled himself. He could sit for hours in his dirty pants, underwear, or diaper. Some parents online had said that they gave up and only started potty training again when their child showed interest, but my oldest didn't seem to show any interest. Really, he'd rather play than take time to go to the potty. Despite pulling my hair out and frustrated that he didn't want to potty train, I felt that if I gave up then I'd have wasted all of my time trying to potty train. I knew that my son knew how to go to the potty but he was lazy. So, I kept at the potty training.

Then last month, when the weather turned really cold, we found a hand-me-down fuzzy pajama pants and gave it to him to wear. He loves those pants. He lives in those pants and would never change out of them unless we made him. Well, after several pee and poop incidents that deprived him of his pants (because it needed to be washed when he had his "accidents") he realized that he needed to pee and poop in the potty in order keep wearing his pants. That pair of pants are a God-send. I'm just so happy that they were the motivation he needed to finally potty train.

Now it's on to the butt wiping stage, but I feel as if I've already crossed the hardest part of potty training. Onward and forward we go.

Do you have any potty training tips, especially for little boys?