Saturday, September 2, 2017

MN State Fair 2017

This year, my Mr. Man and I took our oldest to the state fair and left our youngest with family.  It was his first time there, but earlier in the year we had already taken him to several summer events and a county fair, so he already experienced the carnival-like atmosphere.  Since we went on a weeknight, we didn't stay out too late. (I think I would've stayed a bit longer despite our son being very tired at the time we actually left.)  He got to ride the kiddie rides and see lots of farm animals.  I think he thoroughly enjoyed the fair.

I wanted to try new foods but never got around to it.  I really wanted to try the Dole pineapple "ice cream," which is suppose to taste like soft-serve ice cream but it's made only from frozen pineapples (apparently, the MN State Fair is only one of three places in the world where you can get this frozen treat).  I ate an indian bread taco, french fries, and Sweet Martha's chocolate chip cookies.  I didn't even have time to get cheese curds (which are the best from the state fair).

If you're in town, go check out the MN State Fair.  The last day to attend is Labor Day.  If you get a chance to try out the Dole pineapple ice cream, let me know what you think of it.  Have a great day!