Monday, August 28, 2017

Yosemite in 2017

Heading south on Hwy. 99, the eastern sky is smokey from the wildfires in the Central Valley.
Last month I took my children to see my family in California. While there, I visited Yosemite with family members. On the day we went, it was hot and hazy (apparently, there were severe forest fires occurring in Mariposa County), and continued to be hot and hazy throughout the entire day.

Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls.
Yosemite was beautiful, but not as beautiful as I remembered it. Too many tourists, increased traffic, and environmental pollution had dulled the park's beauty. I also must admit that I've been away for too long and been spoiled by the greenery and clearer atmosphere of the Midwest.  The mountains were beautiful to look at, but the air pollution and haze was such a distraction.

Merced River
I also realized that I might be too old to be climbing up mountains.  I believe I've been to Yosemite in my teens, 20s, 30s, and now 40s, and this was the first time my knees were bothering me as I climbed up (and down) the path to Vernal Falls.  (I don't want to blame it on old age and will point out that I am a lot out-of-shape because I just gave birth at the end of April.)

Vernal Falls
I hope this isn't the last time I will visit Yosemite.  I need to take my Mr. Man there and have him experience the park's natural beauty.

Did you go anywhere interesting this summer?

Monday, August 21, 2017

What Eclipse?

Today was the big day! The solar eclipse was occurring and much of North America will be in darkness when the alignment was to occur. Where I was at, I would see it around the noon hour. Unfortunately for me, I was busy indoors during the noon hour, and it became cloudy and rainy after the noon hour. Boo! :( 

It had been cloudy for most of the day, so if there was a partial eclipse to be glimpsed at, it would've occurred right before the noon hour (close to 11 a.m.) and it would've been brief. Well, I hope you had a better viewing than I did.

Happy solar eclipse day!