Saturday, July 1, 2017

Lavender Plants

I have an affinity for certain plants (e.g. cherry trees, blueberry bushes, rose bushes, etc.) and lavender is definitely on that list.  Yesterday, I discovered I actually have some lavender plants growing and may have figured a way to have the plant survive our winters.

I've tried growing lavender in the past (from seeds, as plants in pots, in the ground) and haven't been successful.  Last year, I tried again to grow lavender plants in my yard.  I planted two bushes in a rocky area where it got a lot of sun.  I let the plants grow big, flower, and seed.  This spring, I thought the plants were going to survive, but didn't (I was so sad).  So, I pulled out the dead plants and planted sage in its places.  Then yesterday, I began weeding that area and noticed tiny little lavender plants.  Apparently, some of the lavender seeds were able to germinate.  (Apparently, Mr. Man had also been weeding this area and been pulling out some of the lavender plants because he thought they were weeds.)

My hope is for the lavender plants to get bigger and to reseed itself so that I will have lavender plants next year.  Maybe this is the only way I will get a continuous supply of lavender plants in my yard.  I guess I'm just going to hope for the best.