Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Signs of Spring

[Taken March 28, 2010, Minneapolis, MN.]

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quiet Reflections

I love this quote:

"Time is not measured by the passing of the years, but by what one does, what one feels, and what one achieves."---Nehru

As of late, I've been in a reflective mood. The anticipated changing season (seriously, where are you spring???) is a contributing factor to my mood, but I believe that much of it comes from what had occurred to me during the winter. So, what kind of mood are you in as of late?

Friday, March 18, 2011

New Bedroom Lighting

I've forgotten to mention that the last few days have been wonderful spring-like days. The temperatures have been in the mid-40s to low-50s. In my neck of the woods, that is spring weather. The sun has come out and the sky is blue (not a mucky gray). It might be the weather and it may just be the passage of time, but I've been feeling good on the inside and like my old self again. So, I just wanted to share the DIY moment I had for today.

For some time, I've been wanting to change out the overhead light fixture in my bedroom. The original light fixture is generic and found in most homes today. Yes, it's practical but not very stylish. So, I purchased these white globe light fixtures from IKEA (yes, still somewhat generic, but not as generic as the existing light fixture). I wanted these globe fixtures to be put in my living room, but since my ceiling isn't all that high (average height, but definately not cathedral-high), I thought the IKEA light fixtures might be installed in my bedroom and my guest bedroom.

I don't want to go into too much detail as to how I was able to install my new overhead light fixture (FYI: read instructions, take pictures, and have with you a home improvement book). Yet, with some gumption and following instructions (yes, instructions with IKEA products are too vague, that is why I suggest having with you a home improvement book and taking pictures of how the original fixture was wired), I was able to install the new fixture and have it working too. What do you think of it? I like it very much, although I can see some people complaining that it might be too low. The light fixture is slightly over the feet of the bed, so it's unlikely to hit someone on the head. I think it adds some flair to the bedroom.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Prints with a Cause

[Birds in the Bush, by Susan Schwake; image from]

Hi all.

I hope you are doing well in your neck of the woods. I came across this blog and wanted to share this information with you. As you must be aware by now, Japan is in need of severe help (e.g. earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter scale, tsunami, nuclear radiation). You can purchase a print from this website ( and all the proceeds will be given to "Médecins Sans Frontières, who are currently in Japan assessing the post-quake needs, setting up mobile clinics, and focusing on vulnerable populations, such as the elderly, children, and victims suffering from chronic illnesses." The website, The Woking Proof, also sells other artwork prints, in which proceeds are donated to various organizations. Please check them out too.

Friday, March 11, 2011

My Thoughts . . .

The weather here has been okay. Much of the snow is beginning to melt, but it's still cloudy out and sometimes there's snow. So far, we've only gotten flurries and not another major snow storm. I'm so ready for winter to end.

However, I'm not complaining sooo much. Yes, it may be cold here, but it doesn't compare to earthquakes and tsunamis. My thoughts and wishes are with all those in Japan, Hawaii, and everyone in/near the Pacific Ocean and are being affected by the tsunamis. I hope most have evacuated the coastal areas and have found some kind of shelter.