Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Tuesday's Tune: Bigger Than the Whole World


Today's song is from Taylor Swift's Midnight album. This song, as most listeners point out, which I agree, is about going through a miscarriage. Now, I don't know if Taylor went through a miscarriage and that was the inspiration of this song. However, the lyrics are clear that she is signing about the aftermath of having gone through a miscarriage.

Regardless, the lyrics are so poignent. I can truly say that I've been so blessed to not have gone through that experience. At the same time, my heart goes out to those who have. While the song itself isn't one of her best, it's the lyrics that are the most moving. Let me know what you think. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Tuesday's Tune: Labriynth

This song is also from Taylor Swift's new Midnights album. I love this song because it perfectly captured the mood and the feelings I had during a rough time in my life. I've written about that time before, but I believe this song perfectly captured my mood.

During that time, my Mr. Man and I was no longer together (and that was my fault). I had a reckoning with an ex-boyfriend who really made me feel like crap. (Why I thought so highly of him, I have no freaking idea!) I was at a low point in my life and felt worthless. I didn't think I deserved to be loved and I thought I wasn't worthy of anyone. I was really in a labrinyth of my own mind and felt lost. But I met someone great and he helped me to find myself again. At the time, I didn't realize how great he was for me and only now as I look back do I realize that he saved me from myself. 

I remember one particular morning, wanting to be sad but not being able to and found myself being happy. I realized it was because he came in and brightened up my world. He brought a lot of love and life into my own world, and I suddenly found myself falling in love again.  While I didn't appreciate him and it was my fault that we have moved on our separate ways (really, do you see a theme here???), I am not ashamed to admit that he was such a force of good in my life and I will forever be grateful to him.

What do you think of this song? Does it remind you of a particular time in your own life too?

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Tuesday's Tune: Back to December


I was thinking that since this is the first Tuesday in December, I'll share a song that also references December. So, the song I wanted to share is "Back to December" by Taylor Swift. Yes, it's another Taylor Swift song. (On a side note, I was thinking about sharing songs from Taylor Swift for the rest of this month on Tuesday; however, I'll see if I can even follow through on that wish.)

This song is obviously Taylor Swift's very public way of telling Taylor Lautner that she was sorry for breaking his heart (granted, they only dated for three months). This song was released about twelve years ago (OMG, I can't believe it's been twelve years ago). Anyhow, I share this song because when this song came out, it was also in December that I told my Mr. Man that we couldn't be together anymore. Like the lyrics in "Back to December," he gave me all of his love and I told him goodbye. And when he was gone, I missed him dearly and wished that I'd go back to December and change my mind. 

Of course, I went on to meet others (this song in particular reminds me of someone special), but my Mr. Man and I eventually came back together and found each other. When I listen to "Back to December," I think of my Mr. Man. The song doesn't make me sad. I only see it as a time in my life when I really needed to discover who I was and find the confidence to move on with my life.

What do you think of this song?

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Books of 2021

This is a very very late post. This list should have been posted eleven months ago (at the beginning of this year)! I was debating about not even posting this list but thought that it's best that I do anyway. I mean, it still is 2022 and this list is for 2021. (Whatever!) So, why do I keep on making this list each year? I've found that it's a good way to keep track of books I've read, and a really good way to remind me of authors that I've loved reading and to look up for new books from them.

So, this list isn't as comprehensive. I know it doesn't reflect all of the books I've read in 2021, but these are the books I know I've read. 

1. Death in a Budapest Butterfly--Julia Buckley
2. A Body at Bunco--Elizabeth Spann Craig
3. 13 Little Blue Envelopes--Maureen Johnson
4. The Last Little Blue Envelope--Maureen Johnson
5. Death of a Toy Soldier--Barbara Early
6. Murder on the Toy Town Express--Barbara Early
7. Death of a Russian Doll--Barbara Early
8. Murder in an Irish Cottage--Carlene O'Connor
9. Well Met--Jen DeLuca
10. Well Played--Jen DeLuca
11. The Star-Crossed Sisters of Tuscany--Lori Nelson Spielman
12. Botched Butterscotch--Amanda Flowers
13. Progressive Dinner Deadly--Elizabeth Spann Craig
14. Cooking is Murder--Elizabeth Spann Craig
15. Miss Spelled--Morgana Best
16. No Offense--Meg Cabot
17. In a Holidaze--Christina Lauren
18. Picture Perfect Frame--Lyn Cahoon
19. You Lucky Dog--Julia London
20. Open Book--Jessica Simpson
21. Charmed and Dangerous--Candace Haven
22. Synchronized Sorcery--Juliet Blackwell
23. Death on the Night of Lost Lizards--Julia Buckley
24. Truly Madly--Heather Webber
25. One Poison Pie--Lyn Cahoon
26. Murder on Opening Night--Elizabeth Spann Craig
27. Searching for Sylvia Lee--Jean Kwok
28. Pretty is as Pretty Dies--Elizabeth Spann Craig
29. A Body in the Trunk--Elizabeth Spann Craig
30. Cleaning is Murder--Elizabeth Spann Craig
31. Edit to Death--Elizabeth Spann Craig
32. Hushed Up--Elizabeth Spann Craig
33. A Body in the Attic--Elizabeth Spann Craig
34. Murder on the Ballot--Elizbeth Spann Craig
35. Death of a Suitor--Elizabeth Spann Craig

As you can see, I read a lot of cozy mysteries. I really do love mysteries. I don't know if there's any book that I'd recommend. I do remember reading and really liking 13 Little Blue Envelopes. It's a "chic" book and is considered a young adult book. So, if you aren't into that type of book, steer clear of it.

Let me know of any books you've read.