Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Little Tyke!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Tuesday's Tune: Little Something

I came across this song, "Little Something," by an EDM group, Above & Beyond, which features Justine Suissa.  Now, there could be multiple meanings attached to this song.  I think the writer of the song, one of the members of Above & Beyond, wrote the song to describe fame as being the "little something."  Some people may ascribe the song's reference of "little something" to a special person that made an impact in their lives.  Everyone has their own interpretation of this song.

When I first heard this song, I thought of my son.  He is my Little Something.  This sweet child of mine that really feels as if he came from nothing, and he really means everything to me.  I was so afraid of the changes I thought he would bring to my life, but to only find out that these changes weren't so bad and how much I needed the changes.

Now, I often feel guilty for not being around him enough and wonder how many moments I've missed out on because I leave him in the care of family members while working.  To be quite honest, I don't think I'm cut out to be a stay-at-home mom.  I just don't have the temperament.  At the same time, I know I'm missing out on many of his first moments.  I do admit that I love picking him up from daycare and seeing his happy smile (it's the highlight of my day).  He's the sweetest little boy and I can't ask for much more, my Little Something.

What or who is your "little something?"

Monday, April 17, 2017

Spring is Here to Stay

First tulip in bloom.
When I think about the weather here in Minnesota, anything is possible.  We've had a mild winter and spring-like conditions since March.  I've been apprehensive about Old Man Winter surprising us with one last winter storm (seriously, it is possible), but I've made up my mind that it's time to just believe that spring is here to stay.  It's been rainy, windy, and there's no snow on the green green grass.  The skies are a beautiful blue and the temps have risen imto the high '60s and low '70's.  Neighbors are cutting their grass and the first tulip have bloomed.  Spring is here!

Furthermore, my Little One is ready to explore the world outside of the home and be outdoors without a winter coat.  (He's going to be an outdoorsy baby!)  I'm ready to rest a little bit and let him run around in the yard.  I'm so happy that spring is here.

How's the weather in your neck of the woods?