Wednesday, July 27, 2016

For Sale

Monday, July 18, 2016

Garden Space

This corner lot was able to fit in various trees and bushes.
While in Philadelphia, I was so impressed by how residents used whatever space or created space for a garden.  Many of the homes were row houses with very little space for anything.  I noticed that some had a designated space in the back as a backyard, but that wasn't the norm. 

While not all residents chose to add greenery to their homes, those that did, made it work with whatever space they had.  Some added plants right into the ground of the little space that was available.  Many added planters to the front of their door or underneath their windows.  
Since the areas where I live isn't as built up as the City of Brotherly Love, I am much more appreciative of all the green space that I have to garden.  I don't love my grassy lawn much, but I am glad that I do have one and I can turn it into something else.
Are you limited in gardening and green space?  Or do you have lots of it and need to appreciate what you have?    


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Blooming Violets

I purchased these African violet plants about a year ago, maybe a year and a half, and I got them for a really great price (probably a dollar for each plant since the store was looking to get rid of the plants).  Originally, I purchased three plants and had to throw one away because it wasn't doing so well.  Thus, I only had these two left.  

The one pictured on the top was doing really well, growing big in size.  The other one, on the bottom, I had worried about.  Then to my surprise, it started blooming flowers.  I guess it's doing well after all.  I wasn't going to throw away the plant, since the leaves still looked healthy, but I didn't think it was going to flower at all.

I'll continue to wait and see if the bigger plant (the one pictured at the top) will eventually flower.  I've just repotted it into a bigger pot.  I'll repot the smaller one at a later time, since it's blooming and I don't want to stress it out.

I guess I shouldn't give up on my plants surprising me.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Bridge Support Beams

Sunday, July 3, 2016


I have a really bad case of wanderlust.  According to this website, "wanderlust" is defined as "a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world."  I know a lot of my wanderlust stems from having my Little One and being on maternity leave because both have left me home bound.  Having the luxury of staying home has made me want to explore, however, it's harder to explore with a baby.

My trip to Delaware and California relieved some of my wanderlust, but much is still simmering inside of me.  So, I'm trying to change my perspective and make the most out of my situation in order to work off some of my wanderlust.  I'm trying to figure out places that are close by so that I could explore, either by myself or with my little family.  I'm also changing my perspective and trying to make more opportunities to take pictures with my camera and phone camera.  I'm reasoning that the more pictures I take and the more interest I show in what's around me, the more I appreciate of my surroundings and some of my wanderlust will disappear.

My wanderlust could also be a sign of a mid-life crisis.  I guess having my Little One has put certain things into perspective.  At the same time, 2016 so far has been a year filled with changes.  Maybe I'm feeling the need to travel in order to deal (or runaway) from all of these changes.

I'm working on my desires to wander and travel the world.  It might just be a passing phase.

How about you?  Have you been travelling or do you desire to travel to a certain place?

Friday, July 1, 2016

Friday's Quote: Gao Xingjian

"Dreams are more real than reality itself, they're closer to the self."---Gao Xingjian

I don't always remember my dreams, but when I do, it's really interesting what I recall from my dreams.  I was telling my Mr. Man that in my last several dreams, for the last several months, I remember how my son showed up in many of the dreams.  I told him that rarely does he, Mr. Man, make an appearance, but for some reason, my son was present.  Even if my son wasn't present in the dream, I had been thinking of him or had mentioned him to those in my dreams, specifically knowing that he is my son.

In trying to understand my dreams, I figure that my son has become such a major part of my life and identity that I even incorporate him into my dreams (he's not just a part of my reality).  I also think it's a reminder to my subconscious.  For example, some days, I can't believe that he came from me.  Once in a very long while when I have a brain fart, I think I'm his aunt, but I then immediately realize he's mine and there's nobody else to give him to.  Not that I want to give him away, it's just that I'm getting use to being a parent and having it as a part of my identity.

I guess having my son show up in my dreams is a sign of how much he's a part of me.  Now, I don't know what my dreams say about my Mr. Man, especially if he rarely ever is a part of my dreams.

What have you been dreaming of?  Are your dreams more real than reality itself?