Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Monster Dash 2012: Clowning Around

My little umbrella (that I held and ran with the entire race), my neon green tutu, and my wig.
This past Saturday I jogged the Monster Dash again. Unlike last year, I only ran the 5k instead of the half marathon. This year, my co-worker and I decided on a circus theme. I was supposed to be a bearded tattoo lady, but it never came to frutition (just blame it on a lack of planning on my part and a very busy work schedule).  So, I joined my friend and dressed up as a clown for the race.
A side picture of the purple clown car with all the "clowns" sticking out.  My friend is wearing silver sequined shirt.
My friend, unlike me, was an awesome clown.  She built a clown car, attached "clown" dolls to the car (to make it look like a bunch of clowns were coming out of the car), and wore the car throughout the entire race.  I will have to say that it was fun seeing all the costumes, but I was a bit disappointed that there weren't that many participants wearing costumes (especially since this was a 5k and not a half marathon).  I think I had a lot more fun last year running in the half marathon.  We're thinking that we might just run the half marathon again next year.  We're already thinking what costumes to wear next year.  Of course, I hope to actually follow through and make my costume next year.
My rainbow tights and my medal.

It Will Rain

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cry Me a River

[Dry stream bed.]

Monday, October 22, 2012


Lately, I've been feeling moody and blue. I could try and blame it on the weather, but I can't. The weather actually has been wonderful here. It's cool and crisp outside, with enough sun and wind. 

I think my moody and blue feelings arise from so many things going on in my life. I have lots of family drama going on and it's really wearing me down. I'm also trying to find my heart again. My heart's really tired of being sad and it just wants to be happy. I'm also trying to find my "home" again. Lastly, work has been keeping me stressed and taking too much of my time. I wish I could find a happy and balanced life, and soon. 

How are you?  How do you keep your life balanced?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Autumn Good-bye

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Barn Bluff

Downtown Red Wing, with Barn Bluff in the distance.
This past weekend was a busy one.  In addition to getting over a cold and making apple juice, I climbed Barn Bluff, located in Red Wing, Minnesota.
The hike up Barn Bluff.
 It was a very clear but cool day, with lots of wind.  My friend and I wanted to just go and see the fall foliage in southern Minnesota, so we ended up in the city of Red Wing.  While there, we noticed that there was a really big bluff in the distance.  After inquiring from locals as to how to get to the base of the bluff, and finally finding our way there, we started our hike.

The winding path, going through the forest and up Barn Bluff.
We opted to go around the base and up the bluff, where it was forested.  I love going through that path.  The sky was intensely blue, the canopy of leaves were ablaze with color, and the forest was quiet and calm.  This is sappy, but I totally felt as if I was walking through the forest setting in my favorite movie, "The House of Flying Daggers."  It was so beautiful.
The base of the bluff is on the right of this picture.  Love the leaves.
We eventually got to the top of the bluff and then headed down the bluff from the northern point, using the stairs that have been carved into the bluffs.  I have to be honest and say that my friend was very insistent that we find this bluff and climb it.  I was a bit hesitant because it was cold and windy outside, and I was recovering from my cold.  I'm so glad that she was so insistent and I'm so glad that I climbed the bluff with her.  It was a relatively easy climb and the stroll through the forest was beautiful and well worth the effort.  The forested area is definately one of my favorite places to be in.
At the top of Barn Bluff.
Have you visited any areas to see the foliage change?  Or have you climbed any hills, bluffs, or mountains lately?
If you want to read more about Barn Bluff in Red Wing, Minnesota, check out the following website:,_Minnesota)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Simple Things

This morning I had to take my car in to get the tires rotated.  It was early.  For those who aren't familiar with my current daily schedule, I get up very very early in the morning so that I can get my brother to work on time. Once he's at work, I either go to work too or find something else to do.  Hence, this morning I chose to have my tires rotated.

After the service I asked for was finished by the dealership, I saw that they also washed my car too.  How awesome.  That simple act, of a washed car, made me pretty happy.  Seriously, my car really needed a good washing and I've been putting it off because of work commitments.  So this morning, I'm feeling pretty happy because my car got washed.  How simple, right?  Well, I'm really appreciative of that simple act and I'm appreciating how something so simple is making me pretty happy.

What simple act has made you happy lately?  What simple things do you notice make you happy?

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Apple Picking