Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Strike a Pose

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Finally Getting Started...Reupholstery Update

Today, there was an explosion under one of the manholes at work, which cut off a lot of power.  My work building was one that was affected.  What did this mean?  Well, it meant that I came home. Since I was coming home, I decided that I was going to be semi-productive too.  In addition to relocating and replanting some of my Mara de Bois strawberry plants and rearranging my kitchen (this included throwing away non-matching tupperware pieces), I finally decided to start reupholstering one of my chairs.

I eventually started working on one of the blue chairs because it was easier to take out staples than to try and pull nails out.  I'm trying to take pictures of what I'm doing so that I may have something to reference later on when I try to put the chair back together again.  I'm already noticing that I definitely need to get new foam.  I'm still working on taking out the rest of the staples (such a big pain in the rear).  Lets hope that this doesn't become a "forever project" (a term used by my former beau to describe some of my endeavors).  I'll keep you all updated.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

More Potatoes

I decided to expand the types of potatoes I intend to grow next spring.  Last year, I purchased potatoes from the farmer's market and saved a couple of potatoes to plant earlier this spring.

At the farmer's market this past Thursday, I picked up three different kinds of potatoes to add to the three potatoes that I intend to grow again (I'm growing fingerling potatoes, a Yukon-type of potatoes, and some red potatoes). 

The first potato has a pinky, almost magenta, skin.  The inside of that potato is pink veined.  The second potato has a flesh colored skin with pink undertones and the inside is light yellow.  The last potato is purple and the flesh is tinged purple.  I already made a potato hash out of these potatoes, and the second potato seems to do well being pan fried.  Of course, all three potatoes were super yummy in my tummy.  Even my obnoxious nephew told me that the potatoes were really good (even though he originally told me he didn't like potatoes).  I'll save a couple of the potatoes to sprout and grow next spring.

Do you have potatoes growing in your garden?  Do you intend to grow potatoes in your garden?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A Walk to Remember

[Taken July 17, 2012; Roseville, MN.]

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Pan Fried Zucchini Blossoms

This year, three of my zucchini plants survived but none of my yellow squash plants did.  Nevertheless, I have three zucchini plants.  It's my understanding that by the end of the summer, I will have zucchini coming out of my ears.  So, rather than have too many zucchinis by the end of summer, I'm going to enjoy the zucchini blossoms right now.
I picked three zucchini blossoms this morning and stuffed it with whatever cheese I had in my refrigerator, which is just plain old shredded mozzarella cheese and basil leaves.  (I only put in about a thumb-sized amount out cheese.)  I dipped the blossoms in milk/cream and dredged it in flour, repeating this method once more.  I then pan fried the blossoms, which didn't take too long.
It was quite yummy.  I can see why so many recipes recommend using goat cheese as a stuffing and I may try it next time.  I just wanted something right now and simple.  

Have you tried stuffed zucchini or squash blossoms?  What was your eating experience like?

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Wild One

[Taylors Falls, MN]

Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday's Quote: Immanuel Kant

"To be is to do."---Immanuel Kant

For the longest time, I feel as if I've been putting my life on hold.  I don't know if I can fully explain what I just wrote.  I feel as if I have been living my life, but at the same time I feel as if there's a part of me that's been put on hold.

Lately, I feel as if parts of my life have been stagnant and it's time for a change.  I think I just need to figure out what exactly I want my life to be and from there, just do what's required to get to where I need to be.  I realize that I need to move onto the next phase of my life, whatever that may mean.  I'm afraid, and of course I'm scared of making a mistake that can't be undone.  Yet, to be is to do.  I must do something.

What about you?  Have you been in the same situation as I'm in?